Thursday 9 May 2013

Go Goa Gone Movie Review

Here are the reviews for Go Goa Gone:

Ratings:3.5/5 Review By: Taran Adarsh Site:Bollywood Hungama

GO GOA GONE comes across more as an adventure flick than a conventional horror film. Sure, it has its share of violence and gore, besides some cuss words, rave party et al, but the fun quotient is smartly integrated in the screenplay and what comes across is crazy, madcap amusement. Raj and DK are enthused by Hollywood movies and there's no denying that GO GOA GONE is a film with Hollywood sensibilities. But the best part is that the film never gets dark or depressing. The wit and humor, generously interwoven in the narrative, keeps you smiling all through, despite the blood and gore. On the whole, GO GOA GONE is experimental since something like this has never been attempted earlier. But it's fun, witty, amusing and yes, thoroughly entertaining. The youngistaan is sure to love this mad, mad, mad ride!

Ratings:3/5 Review By: Meena Iyer Site:Times Of India (TOI)

Go Goa Gone is positively different from anything you seen before. And for the young and restless(tattooed, ring-pierced, rave-party enthusiasts) or even those who like whacked-out fun, it's a great ride. With easy performances from Kunal, Saif, Vir and Anand and the crackerjack dialogue, the film will keep you in splits for the most part. What is a little tiring though,is the pace of the zombies, who are a bit too monotonous. Sachin-Jigar's Babaji ki booti adds to the mood, almost tempting you to light up and lie back. The shores of Goa and Mauritius seem enticing enough. However some of the situations in GGG are repititive. Hence, the laughs that were coming spontaneously till a point become a bit forced at some juncture.

Ratings:-- Review By: Bindu Suresh Rai Site:Emirates24By7

Go Goa Gone’ is a witty, refreshing sampler that serves up a tasty alternative to the standardisation in Bollywood. The ‘zomcom’ as referred to by the cast and crew, puts forth a slice of urban India, where drugs, sex and a dead-end job are all part of the growing pains that sums up an regular day for Gen Y. This roller coaster ride has moments where you can be at the edge of your seat, while the next rolling in the aisles courtesy a witty one-liner.Needless to say, a zombie comedy is not for the masses. But even with its niche audience, the film excels at the experimentation it has attempted

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